The commune of CAUSSINIOJOULS lives mainly from wine-growing, classified as a FAUGERES PDO.
Situated at an altitude of 315 metres, its inhabitants live surrounded by gardens and flowers. CAUSSINIOJOULS has been awarded the "Villes et Villages fleuris départementaux" two-flower label for several consecutive years, and was selected to take part in the national competition in 1994. Caussiniojouls church, at the entrance to the village, dates from the 16th century and was built on the site of a Romanesque chapel dating from 966. The bell tower, with its four-sloped roof, destroyed by lightning in 1920 and rebuilt with a pointed spire, was renovated in 1990 and restored to its original appearance in local stone. The Château de Caussiniojouls belonged to the Lords of Faugères before the 16th century, and was handed over to the royal troops around 1580. On the north facade, two square towers, used as observation posts, are linked by a round wall. To the east of the keep is the castle's old gateway, topped with machicolations.

Things to see and do:
The church of Saint Etienne
The castle
The narrow streets and flower-filled gardens
The porches of the medieval town centre
Free village tour departing from the town hall