Visites guidées et ateliers

Guided tours and workshops

Discover nature, history and traditional building techniques. Guided tours and workshops await you.

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7 results
lanterne © Serge Bonnet Abbey ROUJAN CHATEAU ABBAYE DE CASSAN accueil-velo monuments-historiques qualite-tourisme-occitanie-sud-de-france sites-d-exception-en-languedoc vignobles-et-decouvertes The Chateau-Abbey of Cassan which houses a 12th century priory church and an 18th century abbey palace. We welcome you for a guided tour or an open day, a...
Rando journée Hortus 31 mars 2022 12 © Laure CHOQUIN Hiking POUZOLLES LAURE CHARPENTIER - APHYLLANTHE RANDONNEE vignobles-et-decouvertes Laure, a state-qualified mountain guide, a local child and creator of trails, offers original guided and commented hikes through the most beautiful sites in...
Margon_jardin_2 © Edouard_Chatin Castle MARGON CHATEAU DE MARGON ET SON PARC monuments-historiques jardins-remarquables Park serving as a setting for the feudal castle dating back to the 13th century, rebuilt between 1515 and 1520, with a large parterre with lawn in front of...
rucher de cabrerolles visite famille - OT AVANT MONTS 2021 © OBERTI Environment CABREROLLES LES RUCHERS DE CABREROLLES Introduction to beekeeping - Discovery of bees Les Ruchers de Cabrerolles offer you initiation and improvement sessions (price and program on request)...
2020-PIERRES SECHES 6 © OT Magalas Cutural heritage FAUGERES "PIERRES SECHES " ASSOCIATION SAUVEGARDE DU PATRIMOINE DES HAUTS CANTONS Every Tuesday, for 3 hours in the field, the public is invited to learn and practice "dry stone", the art of erecting or repairing walls without cement, an...
Moulins de Faugères - Trois Tours ciel bleu - OT AVANT MONTS 2022 © Christopher White Mill FAUGERES LES MOULINS DE FAUGERES Restored in the authentic way, the mills work as they did in the past with their sails offered to the 13 winds ... On the site at 417m of altitude, a... Free admission
chapelle pailhes © mairie pailhès Chapel PAILHES CHAPELLE DE MONTALAUROU Dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, the Chapel of Montalaurou dates from 1855 It is open two days a year (apart from exceptional events), on 15 August... Free entry