Activités pour toute la famille

Activities for all the family

Find a selection of activities for all the family. From discovery farms and educational tours to fun activities, there's something for everyone!

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5 results
LOILAR034FS000SC_Ferme du Mas Rolland_ troupeau © Farm discovery MONTESQUIEU GAEC LA FERME DU MAS ROLLAND bienvenue-a-la-ferme Come and meet some passionate breeders who will share with you a few moments of their work: goats raised in the middle of the garrigue and genuinely tasty... Free entry
LOILAR034FS000SB © ADT34 Farm discovery ROUJAN LA FERME D'AURÉ bienvenue-a-la-ferme La Ferme d'Auré is an angora goat farm that produces the precious mohair wool. In the company of goats and llamas, we will share our work and passion with ... Mandatory reservation
LE MEDI'ZEN Jean-Yves GARDAIS © Jean-Yves GARDAIS          AUTIGNAC AUTIGNAC JARDIN LE MÉDI'ZEN Located in Autignac, the Médi'Zen, a Mediterranean and Zen garden of about 1500 m2, created in 2011, is composed of some 250 varieties of plants, many of ...
rucher de cabrerolles visite famille - OT AVANT MONTS 2021 © OBERTI Environment CABREROLLES LES RUCHERS DE CABREROLLES Introduction to beekeeping - Discovery of bees Les Ruchers de Cabrerolles offer you initiation and improvement sessions (price and program on request)...
2020-PIERRES SECHES 6 © OT Magalas Cutural heritage FAUGERES "PIERRES SECHES " ASSOCIATION SAUVEGARDE DU PATRIMOINE DES HAUTS CANTONS Every Tuesday, for 3 hours in the field, the public is invited to learn and practice "dry stone", the art of erecting or repairing walls without cement, an...