Cycle touring



Chemin d'Amans

GPS coordinates : 43.55562 / 3.17984



103 SP © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
mobrassemblement © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
mobkart © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
103 FOX © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
logo © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick (12) © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick (11) © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
ballade © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
Pause café © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
ROQUEBRUN © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
ROQUEBRUN © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
103 OM © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick (5) © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
103 VOGUE © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
Equipement © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
Prospectus © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick
Ballade roquebrun © LOCAMOB34 Cosson Patrick

Rediscover the pleasure of riding on these vintage two wheels on the most beautiful roads of the region, in all nostalgia. Starting from the Caussiniojouls karting circuit, we provide you with all the necessary equipment (helmet, cap and gloves), fuel and assistance are included. All the circuits are signposted. Nevertheless, you can use a downloadable application.


Cycles : Cycle touring

Reception of disabled people

Reception of disabled people

Animals accepted

Animals accepted


  • Parking
  • Restaurant
  • Snack
  • WC/Sanitary facilitie

Payment possibilities

  • Cheques and postal orders (F)
  • Holiday vouchers (F)
  • Cash

Spoken languages

france espagne


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