


Rue des anciens combattants

GPS coordinates : 43.4823343 / 3.2793392



Rando journée Hortus 31 mars 2022 12 © Laure CHOQUIN
Rando journée Hortus 31 mars 2022 11 © Laure CHOQUIN
Laure Charpentier-Choquin (3) © Laure CHOQUIN
Laure Charpentier-Choquin (4) © Laure CHOQUIN
Laure Charpentier-Choquin (1) © Laure CHOQUIN

Laure, a qualified mountain leader with a state diploma, a local child and a trail designer, offers original, guided and commented hikes through the most beautiful sites in the Avant-Monts region. Discover the forgotten treasures: ancient paths, dry stone buildings, historical and geological heritage, observation of fauna and flora, photos, exceptional panoramas, prehistory, underground curiosities, vineyards, olive trees and scents of the garrigue. Adapted formulas on request, half-day, full day, weekend or several days roaming, group reception. Moments of conviviality to discover the natural environment and its biodiversity. Experience emotion in the Mediterranean landscape.


Walking activities : Hiking


du 01/12/2023 au 31/12/2024

Reception of disabled people

Reception of disabled people

Animals accepted

Animals accepted


  Min Max
Half-day rate 10,00€ 15,00€
Child rate 6,00€ 12,00€
Day rate 20,00€ 35,00€

Payment possibilities

  • Cheques and postal orders (F)
  • Cash
  • Money transfers

Spoken languages

france angleterre


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